Since 2013 we have been raising New Zealand rabbits for meat and manure. We began raising rabbits to feed our dog a wholesome raw diet, caught the rabbit bug and began showing at ARBA shows in 2014. At one time we had 10 does in the barn and were able to sell pairs and trios of show quality animals. We have since scaled back quite a bit and no longer obsess over pedigrees. We still only keep or sell our best, show quality animals but a few of our rabbits aren’t fully pedigreed and we’ve even welcomed a beautiful Beveran doe to the barn for fun. Due to the smaller nature of our barn, we are no longer prioritizing selling breeding stock. We may occasionally have a quality animal for sale, but we DO NOT SHIP AND DO NOT WORK WITH TRANSPORT SERVICES.
Breeding stock is priced based on quality, starting at $35. Most show quality animals start at $50. Discounts for 4-h youth available. Email me to get on my waiting list THIS PAGE HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED IN A WHILE. I AM NOT CURRENTLY BREEDING TO SELL STOCK.
Birdsong Farm Does
SCF 99 “Amanita” DOB 5/25/17 Manuel’s BX10P x SCF Miracle. 1 leg including BOSV I just love this doe. She is so sweet and snuggly, easy going, GORGEOUS type. She passes on her perfect peak and hindquarters to her kits: yay!
Birdsong’s Truffle. Out of Sleepy Creek Amanita x Mills 2
Truffle is one of the nicest does i’ve bred: killer type, topline and hindquarters and sweet personality. She took Amanita’s excellent type and made it just a bit better. Showed in the top 3 in her class in all four shows she participated in. Earned 1 leg: Best of Variety, McMinnville 2018 (missed out on a second leg because of a cranky bite to a crankier judge) *photo at 4 months
Other does in the barn i haven’t posted recently
Obsidian. Gorgeous black doe.
Birdsong’s Meadowfoam. White doe out of Mary Jane and Marshmallow
Birdsong’s Oyster. White doe out of Amanita and Marshmallow
Raisl’s Willow. BEW Beveren doe. DOB 4/2/2021
Birdsong Buck’s
There has been a lot of shifting of the buck cages lately. I have ‘borrowed’ several nice bucks to produce lovely litters and have brought in a few not as nice bucks to make some other litters…. it’s a process. 😉 My one best guy, Bramble has a lifetime spot in my barn though i don’t breed him every cycle. Currently in the barn is Mr. Hat (blue) and CFR Blue Moon (broken blue). I’ve gotten some nice does out of Mr. Hat but he hasn’t been producing many kits lately (foiling my plans!). Moon has a lot of color faults but a gorgeous, big boned body so careful selection of his projeny will be required. I’ve also gottten the opportunity to stud out to Bowen’s Sig and several very nice blue rabbits from Sleepy Creek Farm and will have (hopefully) my new keeper blue buck as well as some striking broken blacks soon!
NOT SHOWN: The best buck in my barn! Pscilocybun is out of Amanita and Bramble and is a big rock of a bunny. Gorgeous coat and a big bucky face. I just love this rabbit! Has one white toenail so was never shown 🙁
CFR marshmallow. Big chonk of a white NZ boy from our friends at Celestial Fields Rabbitry. He’s a sweety and good breeder! Makes gorgeous and thick babies.
Sold/Retired/Deceased Stock:
Birdsong’s Bramble DOB 11/20/14 CFR Lilly x CFR Ruger Legs of Grand Champion: 3, including Best of Breed, Best Opposite of Breed and Best of Variety. 11.75 pounds. Bramble had great growth rate, dense coat and solid conformation with a gorgeous, huge head. Bramble is my best bud who loves pats and adds width and bone to his offspring.
Birdsong’s Mary Jane DOB 1/30/20out of Lobelia and Psilocybun.
I wasn’t planning on keeping any white does, but this doe was HUGE since day one. Not only size: she has a BODY. Look at that peak! Mary Jane should carry blue so let’s see what colors we get out of her.
Birdsong’s Lobelia. “HP1D” DOB 4/12/17 Peony x Mr. Hat. Lobelia is a gorgeous little doe. Nice depth, hindquarters and balance and could just use a bit more width and overall size. Lobelia has 1 leg and 3 BOV wins.
Birdsong’s Fern DOB 1/30/20 out of Truffle and Black Currant. This lovely little doe has a very nice topline and beautiful color. She may be for sale after a breeding or two once i see what sort of babies she reproduces.
Birdsong’s HO1A DOB 6/22/17 Mr. Hat x Olive. “Hola” is a HUGE rabbit that did pretty well on the table as an intermediate. I need to get her on the scale as she is GIANT. She was supposed to give me one litter then more on, but now i am not so sure…. *throws blue.
Birdsong’s Dewberry 1 is a lovely broken black doe who carries blue. DOB 1/21/2017 SCF Ashes to Ashes x Boysenberry. She threw some nicely shaped kits out of Mr. Hat this summer and showed good mothering instincts. Unfortunately she missed her next two breedings (thanks to Mr. Hat’s seemingly missing sperm count) so I haven’t gotten as many blue babies from her as i’d like! *throws blue kits
SCF Black Olive (SPA): 11# 4 oz. DOB 11-9-15 CFR Spotty Scotty x CFR Persimmons. SOLD
Birdsong’s Tayberry. Out of Birdsong’s Dewberry x Seawind’s BM1. This doe did well on the table but couldn’t compete with Truffle. A bit early to rise but not pinched and has a good hindquarter. Nice depth on this doe and excellent broken pattern. * photo at 4 months
Birdsong’s Peony out of CFR Spotty Scotty and Birdsong’s Poppy. DOB 5/23/2016 10# 2oz. I am LOVING this doe – great balance of depth and width. She has 1 leg (best of Variety) and is a great mother. She was ready to breed, so no more shows (or legs) for her, sadly. Peony has thrown some gorgeous kits, including Birdsong’s Lobelia who has 3 Best of Variety awards under her belt and 1 leg.
Birdsong’s Comet “MC” is out of CFR Blue Moon and Birdsong’s Cypress. 1 leg: Best of Variety, Best Opposite Breed in Canby, May 2018.