Our CSA season is over and our ducks are mostly done laying until the spring. We hope to have fresh eggs available again in late winter as our younger ducklings begin their laying. If you would like to be notified of egg availability, please send us an email and we will add you to our list of folks …
Time to order pastured meats
It is that time of year again: gardens are being planned, seeds ordered and the days are slowly getting longer. Along with the plant seeds, we have also ordered our chicken seeds.... err, chicks! Our timeline for chicken harvest will be quite similar as last year and if 2021 will be similar to 2020 …
Summer bounty!
Our farm is bursting with color right now! The gardens are also full of produce. It is a wonderful time to be a homesteader! Need dill? We have it! Wanting a bi-weekly share from our bounty of naturally grown vegetables, herbs and flowers? We have limited availability for $20 picked up on-farm or …
Spring projects!
We have been SO busy on the farm lately! Planting is almost all done, baby animals are growing fast and we have tackled some big infrastructure improvements. I have done almost all the garden bed prep myself this year, using my tried and true hand tools: broadfork, hoe, hand plows. My back is …
Winter’s Rest
Winter is the best time for sitting, thinking, sketching, planning and when you're me: filling the short days with as many projects as possible despite the deluge. Apparently I'm none too good at making time to post all the recipes and blog posts I plan: but i promise to do better! This post is a …
Preparing for 2019 at Birdsong Farm
Hello friends! It is the deepest, coldest part of winter but spring is just around the corner and farmers/gardeners (including myself) are already starting seeds and planning the arrival of the first chicks. This is also a good time to really hammer out the details of the year to come, and to share …